Fraternity donates to local school

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  Rallying to the call to increase the number of books in the library at Walnut Creek Elementary School, McDonough, the Rho Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. presented to Principal Fred Latschar and the students of Walnut Creek Elementary more than $1,400.00 in books during the school’s annual Black History Program this past February. The goal of this partnership is to donate more than 100 books that will become part of the school’s Media Center and library.  

Front row (l. to r.): Joshua Pittman, Caleb Toney, Dr. John Carter and Dr. Rufus Johnson. Back Row: Dr. Will Simmons, Jerome Neal, Rodney James and Tommy Green. Special photo

The chapter is offering a free leadership institute for high school students in grades 10 through 12 on April 27 at Griffin High School in Griffin, Ga. This leadership institute,  chaired by Joshua Pittman, Assistant Principal at Griffin High School, is a part of the “Go to High School; Go to College” program.


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