Nobody likes change

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  I heard those words this morning, and it’s exactly how I was feeling just at that moment! The road pairs finally opened beside the Henry Hilton, and it has changed the way I walk, A LOT! If I wait, I can get across though, but also have to wait when I return. I’m till trying to walk 5 miles a day, and stay off insulin; so far, so good. I do get to see some neat cars as I’m strolling alongside the pairs though; great looking Mustangs and another Datsun/Nissan Z. I saw a gorgeous Pontiac G6 and had to go admire it closer up as it parked at the Huddle House behind me. The owner kindly told me it was a 2006 model and I thanked her too. I’m still hoping that Summit Racing doesn’t cancel their Mustang car show in October.

  Another thing I enjoyed listening to the radio this morning, was hearing the DJ talking about the movie Forrest Gump. I fill out a lot of surveys online, and sometimes they want me to name my favorite movie. I’m usually not sure; I love anything Chevy Chase and Steve Martin starred in, and I loved Gone With The Wind, plus lots more. But next time, I will remember that my very favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump. There are so many great actors in it, plus the theme is wonderful and keeps me totally at attention. I love that part of it is set in Savannah too, and also like the section where Forrest and his fellow actors are soldiers. The DJ played music from that movie throughout the morning broadcast. He let us know that the author of the book Forest Gump, Winston Groom, had passed away that morning.

  I still miss working, and with my very short attention span, I’m glad to have the radio playing so I can learn and listen while I’m doing my chores, working the AJC crossword puzzle and reading. I miss the library being open, a lot, and finally gave in and signed up for the next Reader’s Digest Select Editions. The first book was supposed to be just $10 instead of $39, but the invoice showed the $10 deducted and the balance was zero. I’m thankful for this, as I love saving money. The Select Editions usually contains four condensed books from best-selling and well known authors. So far, I haven’t noticed any bad language in them, and they all are well written and very interesting. I know I’ve told you about riding my bike to the Hawks Library in Jackson in my very early years and my bike had a basket on the front where I could fit several books. Finally I read just about every book in that building and was glad to find a similar spot when I moved to McDonough. I liked that little spot just off the Square, then they moved two more times! Now I didn’t mind those changes and I’m waiting to hear when the McDonough Library will have their doors open again. I did get an e-mail from them today informing me that my card was about to expire, so I called the number shown. A kind lady was able to renew my card after I gave her some information, but she did tell me they still weren’t sure when they would reopen. Sigh.

  I’m glad that some of my favorite spots have gone back to almost normal, and done away with the changes. I still need my groceries, prescriptions and I’m very thankful for those who deliver mail, and newspapers too. I hope that never changes!


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About Beverly Wittler

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough with her husband.