Connecting Henry to offer Inspire Employment Readiness Training

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Connecting Henry will host “Kickstart Your Career” an Inspire Employment Readiness Training course from Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 12 from 9 a.m. until noon or 1:30 until 4:30 p.m. This free, two-week training course will provide individuals with the necessary skills to get a job. It will be held at the former Toys“R”Us store at 209 South Point Blvd. in McDonough.

Course features:
•Interview skills and soft skills training
•Resumes and cover letter
•How to work safely during COVID-19

•Employment seach assistance
•Job coaching and job placement
•Access to a local job fair
•In-person training in a safe environment

•Henry County resident
•Low to moderate income

Pre-registration is required as space is limited. Call 770-288-6230 to schedule an intake appointment.
