Letters to the Editor

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Dear Editor,

Today is Memorial Day 2021. I just wanted to share a debt of gratitude to Gary King of McDonough. A number of people showed up at Heritage Park for what we thought would be the Memorial service only to find that nothing was going on. Gary King showed up with his recordings of patriotic music and we had a memorial service that beat anything I’ve experienced before. The people there were people for whom this was really a special day and everyone talked; met like-minded people they hadn’t met before; sang the National Anthem when it was played (I’ve often said that I would prefer being able to sing the Anthem rather than being sung to) and various other patriotic songs; and listened to people tell their genuine war stories and reminisce about their time in service. It was probably one of the most memorable Memorial Day services that I have attended – all due to Gary King. I offer him a most sincere and heartfelt thank you.

Carlotta Monningh,
Locust Grove

Dear Editor,

What is happening to our country? Have we forgotten what truth is all about? When a congresswoman can be ousted from her post as a leader in the Senate for refusing to lie about the “Big Lie,” which our former president Donald Trump is, even yet, promulgating as Truth; when a senate member can call the insurrection against our Capitol which occurred on the 6th of January, just five months ago, a “visit;” when a member of our own Marine Corps can be arrested for taking part in this “visit” to our capital, which caused great damage and the loss of at least one life, while our then-president stood by encouraging the looters with his rhetoric and promise to walk with them, which he later reneged on?
A few months ago, I had thought our Democracy was safe, because a man of integrity and virtue had been elected. Now, I wonder if even President Biden can restore responsibility to our leadership in Washington!
Where are we headed as a country? What can our children look forward to? The future depends on all of us to restore honesty, integrity and value to all of our dealings with each other. Yes, there will always be “takers” who consider only themselves, but as a primarily Christian nation, can we not get back to the path of honesty and truth, a nation that is a real Democracy?
The road ahead looks hard and full of pitfalls, but the end of our journey can be full of light if we persevere, making truth and justice for all a reality.
Why not take a chance?

Hannah Evans,
