McDonough Housing Authority holds dedication

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A longtime McDonough public servant will be recognized in perpetuity at a new facility that will serve local residents for years to come.

A May 25 dedication ceremony unveiled to the public the J. Elaine Moore Enrichment Center, built to serve those who are among the 225 or so people who reside in 118 units managed by the McDonough Housing Authority. Its namesake, Joyce Elaine Moore, worked for the city for decades and served on the MHA board after her retirement until her death in February.

“It’s a tremendous facility,” said McDonough Mayor Billy Copeland, who spoke at the dedication. “I think it’s just so appropriate to [name the center after Moore]. I don’t know a board member who has served the city more than she has, or anyone who is more respected at City Hall. She loved the Housing Authority.”

A dedication ceremony was held recently for the J. Elaine Moore Enrichment Center of the McDonough Housing Authority. For more photos, visit the Henry County Times’ Facebook page. Photo by Mickie Jackson

The center is located at 298 Simpson Street, site of the authority’s very first office many years ago. It was later a police precinct and then a food pantry before its most recent conversion.

“It is for residents to come and get help with different needs,” said McDonough Housing Authority director Shanicki Burton. “There are credit counseling classes and tutoring for the kids. Resident meetings are held there. It is more of a self-sufficiency type center.”

Moore served on the authority about ten years, according to Burton. Before that she worked 30 years for the city, working her way up through the ranks to police chief and eventually retiring as the director of court services.

“I hired her years ago, and what a blessing she has been to the city,” said Copeland. “Losing her and Rodney Heard has been devastating. Neither one could be replaced. But she has left a tremendous legacy for her family.”


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About Monroe Roark

Monroe Roark has been covering the news in Henry County for more than a quarter-century, starting in 1992. He has owned homes here and raised a family here. He still enjoys staying on top of the important matters that affect his friends in the community.