Saving our planet

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I took a very interesting survey today, and LOVED the main subject! I kept getting asked about different products and their ways of helping our environment. I actually like a few companies that do that and I buy their products. I am supposed to take some green tea every night and the first time I bought Celestial Seasonings was because it was on a buy one and get one free sale. And, when I opened the box, I found they had made the package very eco-safe. So of course, that is the ONLY green tea I buy now!

I always take a cloth bag when I go shopping, and lately, thanks somewhat to COVID, I make fewer shopping trips too. I’m not sure I can go back to walking to any stores though, sigh. I’m also not quite ready to consider an electric vehicle either, we’ll see about that. I am guilty of using paper plates and sometimes paper napkins too, but I buy Publix napkins, which are from recycled products and are called GreenWise. I’m very blessed that we have a recycle bin and the kind workers come by every other week to collect any items that can help to save the environment too. I always check the bottom of products when I’m shopping to make sure they can be recycled before I put them in my cart. I like seeing that little triangle marking.

Interestingly enough, I have had some doctor appointments without leaving the Henry Hilton too! Now that was because of the COVID problem again, but it saved gas, plus was better for our planet. I do enjoy shopping in person though, seeing the kind clerks and cashiers and being able to select the exact items I prefer. I can’t imagine not going to the library either. I always want to read the first paragraph to make sure the book is interesting. Sadly, I’ve found a couple of books lately, from two favorite authors that had some horrible words in them. I read the first chapter, then found the same word in the next one, removed my bookmark and slid the tome over next to the front door so I could drop it off on my way back from Publix. One of the authors had a co-author in his, and I am going to assume the new guy was the one at fault. I had to return that book unread too.

I’m trying to use less power every day, by turning off my lamps, unplugging any appliance that isn’t being used, and adjusting my thermostat. I always recycle newspapers, magazines, plus any food containers that are accepted. I’m not sure what else I can do to help our future citizens have a safe climate, but I will keep my eyes open, just in case.

I DO love reading my newspapers and often find something in my Times to make me smile. I loved working with the ALERT team years ago to help upgrade a home in McDonough, but when I saw the picture I couldn’t recall the name. I enjoyed reading about the different local companies that assisted and also provided free materials to help us and the ALERT team finish the project. This reminded me of all the homes we’d build every summer with Habitat for Humanity; we SunTrust (nee Trust Company) employees worked with Georgia Power and Southern Bell on those fun projects and Chick-Fil-A would show up in their little black and white decorated PT Cruiser with our free lunch. We only worked on Saturdays but I would actually sleep like a baby after that project. I’m glad we could help save a fellow Henry County resident’s home and I’m sure that helped the environment too.

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough.


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About Beverly Wittler

Beverly Wittler has four children, eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. She lives in McDonough with her husband.