Letters to the Editor

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Dear Editor,

Is it possible that the impossible has occurred? Citizens of Georgia are able now to walk the streets of our proud state with loaded guns in their pockets, guns that are not registered, but are certainly ready for use at any time. The only persons denied are the mentally ill or felons. Does the human brain still not realize RACE is a prime factor in this country? That either side can easily believe some inconsequential action made by the “other” side can easily bring about a quick gun reaction? Retribution would certainly keep the judges busy! The Constitutional Gun Law, recently signed into law by Governor Kemp, will bring a new era into life! The governor and his advisors are intelligent people, but at present, all I visualize are hundreds of unlucky people, for no reason or other, dead because of the anger and hate fueling this entire planet. Guns in the pocketbooks and holsters are not the answer. It really sounds like a movie portrayal of the “Ole West!” May God bless and protect each and every one of his children!

On my front door hang two stickers for all to see. One states “Fight Hate,” and the other, “Stand for Justice.” If we could adapt and live by these two slogans we would not have angry people walking down our streets looking for someone they could shoot and kill. Too many deaths will occur because many, many Georgians probably have never handled a gun, therefore have no idea what to do with one. My own was given to me in 1945, after my husband came back from WWII, and he taught me to use it wisely.

Recently, I studied the last book of our Christian Bible, and I recommend highly the Book of Revelation, if you are interested in the final years of our world as it is now. War and more wars, destruction, people obliterated, famine, plague; one man determined to rule the world; all of these we experience now. How can we bring sanity to life again?
There is a way. Deep in our hearts most of us will find the “Golden Rule” which many learned as children, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” God’s rule. Why not try it?

Hannah Evans,
