Don’t miss an opportunity

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I received word that a good friend with whom I had worked side by side for a number of years had recently died from an overdose. That’s all the details anyone knew, but my heart was crushed. He was a good guy, fun loving, a prankster, a flirt, a bit bawdy at times, but not so that we were ever offended. Just an all-around good and fun guy to know. Even after we quit working, we kept in touch on occasion and had lunch every month or so with our group of friends and co-workers.
Ever since I heard the news, my mind has been on him and his family. What did we not see? Were there signs even at work that we should have picked up on? Maybe we were all so preoccupied with our own worlds that we didn’t sense a struggle and signs of substance use and abuse. But now it is just us left to look back and remember.

I’m sitting on my back deck writing this because I am surrounded by life. Trees, flowers, flowering shrubs and plants, singing birds in the trees and coming to the feeders. I can feel God here more than any church sanctuary, any retreat center, anywhere else. This deck is my earthly refuge where I can talk (and write) to God and sense His answers and encouragement in the things He created. For me. And for you.

One of my most regretful feelings today is “did I share enough about Jesus with Him?” As we sat and chatted off and on during the day, we did talk about church and such, but I do know I never shared the plan of salvation. I made the assumption that because he went to church some, that (surely) he was a Christian. After all, he was a good man, took care of his parents, and friendly to everyone he came across. That’s what a Christian does, right?

He read a lot of books about different faiths, and we talked about those books and the different theologies, and I shared about my church and beliefs, but I did not ever bring faith and salvation in Jesus to the table. And I am an ordained minister and I failed to live up to my calling.

Today, I kick myself for not knowing where he is for eternity and make a promise to myself to never ever let another opportunity pass because I “assumed.” It is literally a choice of life and death.

For now, I grieve and hurt, but as the Psalmist wrote, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)

So, I have hope that tomorrow may be better for me, but unless we have a faith AND belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, there can really be no hope. If you need this assurance, I beg you to please let me know or someone you know that can share Jesus with you for that personal relationship.

“May the LORD bless you and keep you; may the LORD make HIS face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the LORD lift up HIS Glory and Mercy to you and give you Peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Rest in Peace, my friend.

And for today, this has been a hard gospel of Jimmy to share.

Jimmy Cochran is a resident of McDonough, a musician, a minister and the author of Being God’s and Staying God’s, both available at Being God’s is also available at Moye’s Pharmacy in McDonough.


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About Jimmy Cochran

Jimmy Cochran is a resident of McDonough, a musician, a minister and the author of Being God’s and Staying God’s, both available at Being God’s is also available at Moye’s Pharmacy in McDonough.