Now is a good time to transplant trees and shrubs

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Do you have trees and shrubs in your landscape that would be more attractive in another place? Are you considering moving them? Transplanting established plant material is a low-cost way of changing the appearance of your home landscape. However, transplanting can be challenging. Following some simple procedures can increase the chances that relocated plants will survive and become established.

Transplanting is best done in the fall and winter months, particularly for planting container-grown new trees and shrubs. The branches and leaves are not growing during cold temperatures, but the roots will continue to spread. They will become established by the following summer and have a greater resistance to summer’s hot, dry temperatures.

Before transplanting, ensure the plant is suited to the site where it will be moved. If it prefers full sun, such as a rose, then locating it in a shady site will cause the plant to perish. Does the plant fit the space it will be placed? What may be a small shrub today could be over 20 feet tall in a few years, such as some of the hollies. Moving it will be all right if this size is acceptable. However, if the desired height is 10 feet or under, find another more suitable shrub to move. Also, take into consideration drainage, airflow, and maintenance needs.

When transplanting, consider the physical size of the plant you are relocating. Some are too large for transplanting and could perish if dug up and moved. A good rule of thumb is to refrain from transplanting any tree with the main trunk over one inch in diameter. Consider contacting a landscape installation firm if you want to move larger trees and shrubs. They have the equipment required for transplanting these bigger plants, increasing their chances of survival.

Before digging up the plant, tie up the branches of the plants, which are low hanging or bushy. Doing so will help reduce the likelihood of the plants being damaged and make moving them more manageable. Prune away any old stems that are near the soil line. Mark the place on the main trunk where it meets the soil to help determine how deeply it should be planted at the new site. Dig a trench around the plant far enough away to preserve as much of its fibrous root system as possible by using a sharp, clean shovel to sever the roots. Angle the shovel, making the cuts away from the center of the plant to prevent harming the main rootball. Cut the root ball under the soil at a 45-degree angle to loosen and sever any remaining roots. Trim around the rootball and make clean, complete cuts. Make sure you get as much soil as possible with the root ball when moving it. Move the plant into a container or onto burlap, and then carefully transfer it to its new site.

At the site where it will be transplanted, dig a hole two to three times the diameter of the root ball. The hole should be no deeper than the top of the rootball. Place the plant into the hole and begin filling it with the backfill soil; do not add any organic soil amendments. Pack the soil tightly around the rootball. Apply a two-to-three-inch layer of fine organic mulch such as pine bark, pine straw, or cypress. Thoroughly water the plants after planting, and periodically apply more water to moisten the soil. Never place any fertilizer in the planting hole. Wait until spring to evenly broadcast an all-purpose fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, over the plant’s root zone.

Transplanting trees and shrubs can reduce costs and improve the curb appeal of your home landscape if done correctly. The newly transplanted plant should thrive if planted in the proper place suitable for its growing conditions and provided adequate care.

Timothy Daly is an Agricultural and Natural Resource agent with UGA Extension Henry County. He can be contacted at 770-288-8421 or


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