County selects site for aquatic center

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The Henry County Board of Commissioners approved the Bridges at Jodeco Rd. Development as the Aquatic Center site. The action came at the March 9 regular Commission meeting.

Leisure and Public Services Director Jonathon Penn made the presentation and laid out the advantages of the Jodeco Rd. location. He said the site is adjacent to I-75 and that the property, which is part of a mixed-use development, is being donated to the county for the aquatic center. Penn added that the site is already graded, has a retention pond and much of the infrastructure is already in place. He said the mixed-use development includes plans for shopping and restaurants.

“With more infrastructure in place, that means there is more money to put in to the aquatic center for our community,” said Penn.

District V Commissioner Bruce Holmes said that the Jodeco location was “clearly the best location in the county for this type of development. The location, right off I-75 and Jodeco Rd. puts the aquatic center in the middle of the county.”

He also requested that the name of the Aquatic Center be named the O’Neal- Edwards Aquatic Center after two community leaders who recently passed away.

“I ask that Commissioner Clemmons, if she could include a couple of great leaders from the Stockbridge area, and that in your motion we name the aquatic center the O’Neal-Edwards Aquatic Center.

District I Commissioner Johnny Wilson added a request to include the Kensley Grace Foundation as a part of the new Aquatic Center.

“Since we’ve been talking about the aquatic center for the past several years, Commissioner Barham always brought up that he would have loved to see the Kensley Grace Foundation be involved. And to honor that, we need to include the Kinsley Grace Foundation in this resolution and this aquatic center,” said Wilson.

Commissioners agreed and added to the resolution to name the swim area after Kensley Grace.

The discussion centered around the need for an intergovernmental agreement with the city of Stockbridge and making sure the county retains control of the project, including permitting, approvals, inspections and operations.  Commissioners also want to be notified of development that will surround the aquatic center.

District II Commissioner Dee Clemmons said she wanted it stated in the record that the agreement for the site location is contingent on other factors.

“It is so super important moving forward that if we are going to put the aquatic center in the city of Stockbridge, that we have complete control. We need to have that intergovernmental agreement saying that Stockbridge will allow us to have one hundred percent control,” said Clemmons.

She also stated that she is glad that the commissioners are all in favor of the location but that she wants to make sure that the property is conveyed to the county within 60 days and to make sure what businesses and developments will be surrounding the aquatic center.

“We need to be progressive in moving it forward,” she said. “We’re talking about building a $22 million facility. I think if we are going to spend the dollars there, then as a board we need to know what is happening.”

District IV Commissioner Vivian Thomas echoed those sentiments.

Commission Chair Carlotta Harrell said she was in complete agreement and asked the county manager to provide a timeline keeping the board informed.

The aquatic center will be owned and operated by the county under the Parks and Recreation Department.


1 comment on “County selects site for aquatic center

  1. Terry Smith

    Add a small kids park with soft fake grass and a library and gym area and put side walls from schools to it with lighting poles not like jonesboro rd but like nice areas and walking areas so u can walk from Dutch town schools to it and add Shaquille o’neal too get a kreapy Kreme in there and a cookout restaurant and do a road to walmart though that cut across the street to come out at McDonald’s and walmart light

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