McDonough City Council updates

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Plans for a new community garden were among the discussion items at the March 21 regular meeting of the McDonough City Council.

Henry County NAACP president Dr. Rosalyn Matthews discussed the proposed garden project with the council and other officials, after which time a vote to authorize the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding was approved unanimously.

In other business, the council approved an expenditure of $11,611.33 for necessary repairs to Ladder Truck 52 so it can be returned to service for fire operations. The purchase of a new 2022 GMC Sierra 2500 Double Cab at a cost of $44,895 was approved for use in the newly created Facilities and Assets Management Department.

A request to approve the purchase of information software for the Human Resources Department was approved, with an annual minimum cost of $34,266 as well as a one-time setup fee of $10,250 and the $3,208.25 purchase of a time clock for the public works building. Human resources director Nick Calhoun said the software would replace analog systems that are currently being utilized, and the program will significantly reduce the time required for processing.

The purchase of 57 new 4G LTE radio drawers was approved for the downtown parking meters, at a total cost of $13,720. Police Chief Ken Noble explained that the meters will not function properly without the upgrade to 4G equipment. The current meters will not be operational with the 3G radio drawers as of the end of March due to 4G LTE limitations on the current meters, and the only way to continue using the same type of meter is to replace the 3G with the 4G LTE radio drawers

A preliminary plat review for a proposed development at Hwy. 42 and McDonough Parkway was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.


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About Monroe Roark

Monroe Roark has been covering the news in Henry County for more than a quarter-century, starting in 1992. He has owned homes here and raised a family here. He still enjoys staying on top of the important matters that affect his friends in the community.