Local sorority chapter launches digital campaign to aid Henry voters

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In an effort to help voters in Clayton and Henry counties participate in their democracy with confidence, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated – Psi Alpha Omega Chapter will celebrate National Voter Education Week (“NVEW”), a digital campaign to equip communities with all of the information they need to be informed, confident, and prepared voters. Running this year from Monday, October 3 through Friday, October 7, NVEW 2022 aims to help communities make their voices heard by helping voters in Clayton and Henry counties, and around the country, to establish a voter identity and create a habit of voting in every single election. 

“During this week of interactive education, voters have the opportunity to find their polling location, understand their ballot, make a plan to vote in person or remotely, and more,” the initiative’s description reads. Now in its second year, National Voter Education Week comes as many states have revised voting laws in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and on the heels of a 2020 presidential election that saw a record number of early voters. Nearly 1 in 5 states, including Georgia, passed restrictive election laws following the election that tighten absentee voting windows and impose new rules on casting ballots and running elections.

“Education is power, and we exercise our power when we are well informed and when we vote. Psi Alpha Omega Chapter is extremely excited to participate in this endeavor because we get to touch the residents in our service area and educate and encourage them to ensure that they are able to exercise their power in November. This also gives us the opportunity to foster knowledge sharing which will ultimately increase the number of individuals at the polls.” -Shelly Clark, President, Psi Alpha Omega Chapter.

National Voter Education Week helps voters bridge the gap between registering to vote and actually casting a ballot. During this week of interactive education, Psi Alpha Omega Chapter will help voters in our communities find their polling location, understand their ballot, make a plan to vote in person or by mail, and more. The week has outlined a simple step to take each day that aims to develop residents from unregistered voters to citizens well-informed about what’s on their ballot:

  • On Monday, the initiative stresses the #VoteReady hashtag, urging people to register to vote or check their registration status.
  • Tuesday brings the #MailReady step, when people can request a mail-in ballot.
  • On Wednesday, it is #VotePlanReady, in which people can make their plans to vote.
  • #BallotReady comes Thursday, when the initiative urges registered voters to learn about what’s on their ballot.
  • And Friday brings it back to #VoteReady, with the initiative calling on people to “level up your voting engagement.”

Registering to vote in Clayton and Henry counties is simple. Register to vote online or download a voter registration application. Residents can also go to their local county board of registrars’ office or election office, public library, public assistance office, recruitment office, schools, and other government offices for a mail-in registration form. You can also register to vote directly on the National Voter Education Week website.

Some areas of Georgia have elections on November 8. Early voting runs October 17 – November 4, and the deadline to request a mail-in ballot is October 28.

Join Psi Alpha Omega Chapter, Monday, October 3 to Friday, October 7, to learn about the ins and outs of the voting process, and begin building your identity as a voter. “We know all too well that while presidential elections get more attention, local elections take place every year, and are equally important. A single vote can make a bigger difference in outcomes. That is why it is vital for our communities to understand the voting process every single year, especially during this important midterm election season.” said Dr. Tonya Calhoun, Connection & Social Action Committee Chairman, Psi Alpha Omega Chapter.

Follow Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated – Psi Alpha Omega Chapter on social media (@PsiAlphaOmega) to follow along during the week, and follow @NatlVoterEdWeek on Twitter and Instagram for more news, updates, and ways to participate.
