What (If Anything) is Good About Winter

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I guess the majority of people regard summer as their favorite season and we know all the reasons why. Many people look forward to autumn as an escape from the heat and they enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves.

But fewer people seem to welcome the approach of winter.

Aside from the holidays, winter does have some good points.

No bugs, like ants, things that bite, sting or hide all around us. Snakes hibernate with other nasties.

No yard work, weeds gone, leaves gone, lawn stops growing, watering plants is not necessary.

You can keep beer cold in the garage. Heat is cozier than AC and you can use the fireplace and enjoy hot food and beverages.

Bad weather is a great excuse to do nothing. More time to read or watch TV. Can’t paint the house.

You get to wear jeans, sweaters, cowboy boots and leather jackets. Good Sleeping weather with heavy blankets. More reason to hit the snooze button.

Bourbon replaces vodka. Winter sports are there if you like them. Tap water is cold and the garbage can smells less funky. Much less sweating.

Only 182.5 days until Summer.


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